Treffen vom 24. 10. 2017
- Begrüßung
- Metalab
Wiki, MailingLists, Twitter, Meetup, IRC: #pyugat on freenode, Flattr
- Nächsten Termin festlegen
- Zeiteinteilung für den Abend festlegen
- Wer hat Kurzvorträge mitgebracht?
Coding Dojo
It's Dojo time! We will be providing a Kata ideal for first timers and regulars. However, instead of the usual Randori style, we will pair up or form small teams that work independently.
- Arrival: 18:15 - 18:30
- Start: 18:30
- End: at about 20:30
To prepare:
Bring a laptop with a development environment, including a test-framework (with an automatic test runner). Usually, a simple text editor will do.
If you are unsure about the test-framework, you may use
pytest together with
pytest-watch as test runner.
Please make sure you have your setup prepared so we can start dojoing right away. Prepared means: A few mouse clicks or key-shortcuts, and a dummy test is red/green.
If you would like help with any of the things above, please ask for advice on the discuss mailing list!
Moderator: Claus
Nach dem Dojo ist noch Zeit zum Plaudern, für Kurzvorträge, Fragen, eine Tour durchs Metalab, etc.