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Vorstellung Python Koans (PeterKofler)
Haupt-Aktivität: PythonDojo
Python Koans
Python Koans are a sequence of little exercises to learn Python which might be interesting to beginners.
- The koans embrace the style of TDD that you are learning the Python programming language by making tests pass.
Works for Python 2 and Python 3, just go into the proper sub-folder of the project and start run.bat or
There are almost 40 koans and each koan contains 3 to 10 exercises which you need to make pass. There are many exercises.
Python Koans are a port of Ruby Koans.
Koans are available for many languages, there is even crazy stuff like Bash Koans or Git Koans.
Talking of Git, there is also an interactive Git branching game.
Diskussions- und Plauderrunde
Entsprechend der Umfrage wird der neue Wochentag für die Treffen der Donnerstag sein.