[PyUGAT-Announce] Webinar: Asynchronous MongoDB with Python & Tornado

Christoph Schindler hop at 30hopsmax.at
Wed Jul 18 15:57:16 CEST 2012

James Chesters hat uns via Meetup folgendes zukommen lassen:


I wanted to reach out to you about a Webinar I wanted to share with your
group. I work at 10gen, the company that develops MongoDB and we are
hosting a webinar on Jul 24 on Asynchronous MongoDB with Python &
Tornado. Here is a very short description of the webinar: 

"A. Jesse Jiryu Davis will review the state of the art for asynchronous
Python and MongoDB, discuss his experimental driver for MongoDB and
Tornado, and demonstrate building a real-time web app." 


Kind regards, 

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