= Treffen vom 17. 11. 2016 = * [[http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/events/235157065/|Meetup-Seite zu diesem Treffen]] == Agenda == * Begrüßung * Metalab * Vorstellungsrunde * [[FrontPage|Wiki]], MailingLists, [[https://twitter.com/pyugat|Twitter]], [[http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/|Meetup]], [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23pyugat|IRC: #pyugat on freenode]], [[https://flattr.com/thing/1804445/Python-User-Group-Austria|Flattr]] * Anwesenheitsliste pflegen * Am Wiki anmelden & [[CategoryHomepage|persönliche Seite]] anlegen (Kontaktinfos, Name, Interessen, Foto,…) * Mögliche Themen in [[FutureTalks]] eintragen * Nächsten Termin festlegen * Events * Buchbesprechungen? * [[Jobs|Job-Börse]] * Zeiteinteilung für den Abend festlegen * Wer hat Kurzvorträge mitgebracht? * Groben Zeitplan für Hauptvortrag festlegen == Anwesenheitsliste == * ''tbd'' == Programm == * [[ClausAichinger|Claus]]: [[http://pycon.de/|PyCon DE 2016]] Takeaways (siehe Links unten) * [[aschlapsi|Andreas]]: Advanced Unit Testing in Python - Mocking, Stubbing and Patching == Diskussions- und Plauderrunde == * [[ClausAichinger|Claus]]: Python Events in Vienna - mach ma was! ;) == Links == * [[https://www.pycon.sk/2017/|PyCon SK]] * Dmitry Trofimov - Profiling the Unprofilable: http://pypy.org/performance.html#profiling-vmprof (very-low overhead statistical profiler) * Philip Bauer - Debug like a pro. How to become a better programmer through pdb-driven development https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pdbpp (pdb++, a nice (!) drop-in replacement for pdb) * Miguel Cabrera - Building Data Processing Pipelines with Luigi https://github.com/spotify/luigi (Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs.) * http://pydoit.org/ (doit is a task management & automation tool) * https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/default/Grammar/Grammar (good to know) * https://github.com/alexsavio/hansel (Parametric file paths to access and build structured folder trees) * https://docs.python.org/3/library/code.html (code.interact: Convenience function to run a read-eval-print loop.) * https://github.com/alexjc/neural-enhance/ ---- CategoryShownotes