= Treffen vom 25. 8. 2016 = * [[http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/events/233477724/|Meetup-Seite zu diesem Treffen]] == Agenda == * Begrüßung * Metalab * Vorstellungsrunde * [[FrontPage|Wiki]], MailingLists, [[https://twitter.com/pyugat|Twitter]], [[http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/|Meetup]], [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23pyugat|IRC: #pyugat on freenode]], [[https://flattr.com/thing/1804445/Python-User-Group-Austria|Flattr]] * Anwesenheitsliste pflegen * Am Wiki anmelden & [[CategoryHomepage|persönliche Seite]] anlegen (Kontaktinfos, Name, Interessen, Foto,…) * Mögliche Themen in [[FutureTalks]] eintragen * Nächsten Termin festlegen * Events * Buchbesprechungen? * [[Jobs|Job-Börse]] * Zeiteinteilung für den Abend festlegen * Wer hat Kurzvorträge mitgebracht? * Groben Zeitplan für Hauptvortrag festlegen == Anwesenheitsliste == * ''tbd'' * [[ClausAichinger|Claus]] == Programm == * Haupt-Aktivität: PythonDojo * Philipp & [[ClausAichinger|Claus]]: [[https://ep2016.europython.eu/|EuroPython 2016]] in 5 Minuten * ''Trag' hier '''deinen''' Kurzvortrag und Namen ein! :)'' == Diskussions- und Plauderrunde == * ''tbd'' Interessante Vorträge auf der [[https://ep2016.europython.eu/|EuroPython 2016]] waren unter anderem: * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi49aiLBas8&list=PL8uoeex94UhE3FDvjacSlHFffoNEoPzzm&index=27 | Yury Selivanov - High Performance Networking in Python]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgWUwQVoLHo&list=PL8uoeex94UhE3FDvjacSlHFffoNEoPzzm&index=59 | Larry Hastings - The Gilectomy]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vitEXiOuiEk&list=PL8uoeex94UhE3FDvjacSlHFffoNEoPzzm&index=99 | Katharine Jarmul - I Hate You, NLP... ;)]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klHMUGcDfvc&list=PL8uoeex94UhE3FDvjacSlHFffoNEoPzzm&index=110 | Dmitry Trofimov - Profiling the unprofilable]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7oYqAlX_Bo&list=PL8uoeex94UhE3FDvjacSlHFffoNEoPzzm&index=165 | Tariq Rashid - A Gentle Introduction to Neural Networks (with Python)]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCrOGS1QlB8 | Víctor Terrón - Kung Fu at Dawn with Itertools]] (a fast paced itertools introduction) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKu7T976WkA | Anjana Vakil - Using and abusing Python’s double-underscore methods and attributes]] (a funny way to present some dunders) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnWdB99K-mA | Facundo Batista - It's not magic: descriptors exposed]] (descriptor introduction based on a simple game) * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhqE7aS6cj8 | Kyle Knapp - Dynamic Class Generation in Python]] ---- CategoryShownotes