= Treffen vom 15. 3. 2015 = * [[http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/events/220760191/|Meetup-Seite zu diesem Treffen]] == Agenda == * Begrüßung * Metalab * Vorstellungsrunde * [[FrontPage|Wiki]], MailingLists, [[https://twitter.com/pyugat|Twitter]], [[http://www.meetup.com/PYUGAT/|Meetup]], [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23pyugat|IRC: #pyugat on freenode]], [[https://flattr.com/thing/1804445/Python-User-Group-Austria|Flattr]] * Anwesenheitsliste pflegen * Am Wiki anmelden & [[CategoryHomepage|persönliche Seite]] anlegen (Kontaktinfos, Name, Interessen, Foto,…) * Mögliche Themen in [[FutureTalks]] eintragen * Nächsten Termin festlegen * Events * Buchbesprechungen? * [[Jobs|Job-Börse]] * Zeiteinteilung für den Abend festlegen * Wer hat Kurzvorträge mitgebracht? * Groben Zeitplan für Hauptvortrag festlegen == Anwesenheitsliste == * [[hop]] * [[aschlapsi]] * [[brot]] * [[thp]] * [[Krille]] * + 6 weitere == Programm == * Kurzvorträge * Introductions into Programming: [[http://code.org/]] and [[http://codecombat.com/]] ([[Krille]]) * Assorted Python Goodies ([[Krille]]) * [[https://code.google.com/p/pyp/|The Pyed Piper: Piping Python Through Pipes]] * [[http://furius.ca/snakefood/|snakefood: Module Dependency Graphs]] * [[http://mg.pov.lt/objgraph/|objgraph: Object Reference Graphs]] * [[https://github.com/jrfonseca/xdot.py/|xdot: Interactive graphviz viewer]] * [[https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort/|isort: Sort and group import statements]] * [[http://www.skulpt.org/|Skulpt: An entirely in-browser implementation of Python]] * [[https://github.com/eliben/pss/|pss: Python implementation of ack, the improved grep]] * Visualizing Algorithms: http://blog.codinghorror.com/our-programs-are-fun-to-use/ ([[hop]]) * Ignore lines beginning with space, duplicate and short lines in Bash history: `export HISTIGNORE=' *:&:?:??'` * https://github.com/brot/yesss-bill-downloader ([[brot]]) * https://bitbucket.org/hopthrisC/misc bobdown ([[hop]]) * gitorious -> github clone hack: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1463398&postcount=3 ([[merlin1991]]) == Diskussions- und Plauderrunde == * [[https://github.com/jeffh/sniffer|sniffer]] an Stelle von [[https://github.com/brunobord/tdaemon|tdaemon]] für unseren Pi um nosetests bei den !CodingDojos zu "automatisieren". ---- CategoryShownotes