Ein "inoffizielles" Quiz, wo es darum geht, die Aufgabe vom März-Dojo zu lösen:

Quelle: KataReversi

Problem Description

Reversi is a board game for two players. More information can be found on Wikipedia This Kata is to write a program that takes a current board position together with information about whose turn it is, and returns a list of the legal moves for that player. A move is only legal if it results in at least one of the opponent's counters being flipped.

Suggested Test Cases


(A "." indicates an empty square. A "B" indicates a black piece and a "W" represents a white piece. The trailing "B" indicates that it is black's turn)

You could either output the possible moves as co-ordinates (columns labelled A - H, rows labelled 1 - 8 starting from top left hand corner) like this: [C5, D6, E3, F4]

or graphically like this:


PyUGAT: PythonQuiz/2013-04 (last edited 2013-03-25 16:23:32 by thp)