Python Learning Stuff

Online Tutorials

Dive into Python 3 (

BeginnersGuide and Resources ( ( (

data school - Launch a data science career! (


Free Learning - Free Programming eBooks

Test-Driven Development with Python (

Coding Games

CheckiO (

Empire of Code (

Code Combat (

Coding Challenges

Coding Dojo (

Exercism (

The Python Challenge (

Code Wars (

Password riddle (so called hackit) site

Advent of Code (

Python Koans (

Project Euler (

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Main Site)

Online courses (not always free)

Code School: Try Python

Udacity: Programming Foundations with Python

Codecademy: Learn Python

Coursera: Python Courses

edX: Python Courses

DataCamp: Intro to Python for Data Science


Python Podcasts

Django Riffs - podcast for learning web application development in Python using the Django web framework


Python Bytes

Talk Python To Me

Teaching Python

Test and Code - The Python Test Podcast

The Real Python Podcast


Programming with Mosh

Corey Schafer

David Beazley

Linuxwochen Wien 2016 Workshop


A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown.

A simple Python data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries

Python Tutor - Visualize Code Execution


Pro Git book Online (

try Git (

Learn git Branching (


PythonStdioGames (

PyUGAT: LearningStuff (last edited 2023-04-24 14:17:46 by thp)